Docu­men­ta­ti­on cent­re in the heart of Berlin

With over one mil­li­on visi­tors in 2017, the “Topo­gra­phy of Ter­ror” is one of the most visi­ted com­me­mo­ra­ti­ve sites in Ber­lin. During the “Third Reich”, the site was the head­quar­ters of the secret poli­ce (Gesta­po), the SS and the Reich Main Secu­ri­ty Office.

A free hot­spot with Direct Log­in is available to all visi­tors and employees in the docu­men­ta­ti­on cent­re. The out­side space is also an important part of the exhi­bi­ti­on and it is equip­ped with out­door access points with WiFi.

Instal­la­ti­on of the hard­ware was com­ple­ted by HOTSPLOTS in July 2016. The site is now equip­ped with a HOTSPLOTS Appli­ance L and 17 indoor and out­door access points..

The num­bers speak for them­sel­ves: by the start of 2018, the hot­spot had regis­tered more than 377,000 visi­tor ses­si­ons. The total usa­ge peri­od is over 325,000 hours.