SWEG – Excel­lent WiFi

A trend-set­ter in Baden-Würt­tem­berg sin­ce 2015

SWEG pro­vi­des its pas­sen­gers on trains and buses in the Upper Rhi­ne regi­on with free WiFi from HOTSPLOTS. Pas­sen­gers access the Inter­net by means of direct log­in – which means they accept the con­di­ti­ons of use but don’t pro­vi­de any per­so­nal data. SWEG deci­ded on a volu­me rest­ric­tion of 50 MB per pas­sen­ger per day.

SWEG was award­ed the Local Public Trans­port Inno­va­ti­on Pri­ze of the sta­te of Baden-Würt­tem­berg in the “Cus­to­mer bene­fits through digi­ti­sa­ti­on” cate­go­ry in March 2017 for its free Wi-Fi and its pio­nee­ring role in local public transport:

“SWEG has offe­red this ser­vice to its cus­to­mers fas­ter and more com­pre­hen­si­ve­ly than other com­pa­nies”, said Win­fried Her­mann, Minis­ter of Trans­port of Baden-Würt­tem­berg. Access is very easy, the­re is no irri­ta­ting adver­ti­sing and the sys­tem is tech­ni­cal­ly secu­re, said the Minis­ter in awar­ding the pri­ze. Johan­nes Mül­ler, Chair­man of the Board of SWEG, accept­ed the pri­ze of EUR 4,000. “I am proud of our tech­ni­ci­ans for the fact that the WiFi is so sta­ble – even at the Ger­man-Swiss bor­der”, said Mül­ler. The appeal of public trans­port for young peo­p­le is increased by the free Inter­net access. “With us, you can surf the Inter­net or check your emails at your lei­su­re during the jour­ney – if you were dri­ving, you would even face a fine for this.” A posi­ti­ve side-effect is that van­da­lism of the vehic­les equip­ped with WiFi has also declined.

(Source: press release from SWEG “Die SWEG erhält den Inno­va­ti­ons­preis 2017″, 3/15/2017)